About Skapánê

Who are we ?

Launched in 2015 in Lille as part of the Euratechnologies cluster of excellence, Skapánê offers services around artificial intelligence.

We support actors in the world of finance in their digital transformation process. Our desire is to provide solutions that improve and simplify business processes.

The goal is to combine efficiency, cost reduction and customer satisfaction by guaranteeing a reliable process.

We offer a secure SaaS solution based on AI algorithms hosted in Europe. In response to increasingly strict legislation, no data is stored by our solution.

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Join us

Skapánê is an SME specialized in intelligent process automation solutions since 2015. Our Clients are players in the world of banking, banking intermediation, insurance and mutuals.

Our teams are made up of IT engineers, AI experts and we implement innovative solutions together.

We support our customers in their digitalization strategy and use of our intelligent solutions.

We build the future of our clients by combining theory and practice, thinkers and doers.

The Skapánê team is ambitious, motivated, results-oriented, but also knows how to relax with a good meal !

Want to join us ? Write to us at jobs@skapane.ai

Technical partners

The Skapánê technical team has been designing and operating critical systems for over two decades.

Our culture of safety and quality leads us to propose experienced partners :

Partenaire ATE
ATE for infrastructure and network security
Partenaire CIV
CIV for Physical Housing
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